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While on Twitter one day, I saw the cries of one Sarah Maliphant, a professional Coach and Mountain Leader. She had an existing site on, but was looking to take her site to the next level by moving to a self-hosted WordPress site.

After getting in touch with her, I helped her by answering all of her questions and concerns about what moving to a self-hosted site would mean, as far keeping her custom domain name, her images, content, and the appearance of her site.

Once we discussed all the details and developed a plan for transitioning her site, I set about making the transfer to her new server. The transition went very smoothly and the site was just as she had left it on, except now with the ability to install plugins and modify her theme.

Dave answered my tweet seeking help with upgrading my wordpress site. I thought it would be complicated, but within a couple of days he had helped me suss what I actually needed, done the work and there I was up and running on He’s a font of wordpress knowledge and I know I can return to him for other updates in the future. Best of all, his prices are fair, his guidance is free and he’s great fun to work with. Highly recommended!

Sarah Maliphant, Professional coach and Mountain Leader, More To

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